Traditional melodeon tunes from the Hebrides on the CD Fasan a Dh’fhalbh. The Collection Fasan a Dh’fhalbh is a combination of traditional Gaelic Airs and Danns an Rathad/ Barn Dances tunes.
Roddy MacDonald is an exponent of the traditional melodeon tunes of the Hebrides. Learning the tunes, to the beat of Gaelic lyrics by the fireside as a child. The tunes were played at the open air dances in the Isles of Lewis for Highland Schottische and Scotch Reels.
The tunes became Danns an Sabhal, Barn Dances during inclement weather and village weddings. In the thatched roof of the barn there was only one small window and there was a prank, when turf was piled up against that source of light, so that the morning light did not stop the dancing.
Bha gu leòr puirt Danns a’ Rathaid aig Cèilidh nan Tractaran, Disathairne an 18mh Lunasdal 2012 bha Ruaraidh Dòmhnallach a dol timcheall baile Bhuirgh air taobh siar Leòdhais, air an tractar agus duine sam bith a bha ag iarraidh an CD ùr aige a cheannach, gheibheadh iad port aig ceann an t-staran. Bha fir a’ bhaile ag obair aig an fhaing agus ràinig e iad. Thàinig crodh a’ bhaile a dh’èisteachd fhads a bha e a cluich. Chaidh an airgead a thoirt ga Carthanas.